McElroy University
Metal Roofing Weathertightness Warranties
Metal roofing is a long-term roofing solution that, when properly installed, provides decades of leak-free service. We are proud to offer weathertightness warranties on select standing seam systems.
McElroy Metal’s philosophy is that weathertightness warranties should provide peace of mind. We have reputable competitors that follow our approach and offer weathertightness warranties with the protection that designers and owners expect. Sadly, we also have competitors who supply weathertightness warranties that provide little protection and instead offer warranties riddled with exclusions, loopholes, prorated terms, and limitations. Consequently, we urge anyone considering a weathertightness warranty to request sample copies of the warranty during the project’s design and bidding stage from all approved manufacturers. This step is critical to ensure you receive the expected protection.

Warrantable Panels
Maxima 1.5"
Maxima 2"
Maxima 3"
Maxima ADV
Maxima ADV without Shoulders
MasterLok 90
MasterLok FS
Trap Tee
Minimum Slope Requirements
Maxima ADV (curved or flat) - Minimum Slope 1/2:12
Maxima 1.5 (curved or flat) - Minimum Slope 1:12
MasterLok 90 - Minimum Slope 1/4:12
MasterLok FS - Minimum Slope 1/4:12
Lower slopes are approved on a case by case basis
Warranty Overview

Certified/Qualified Installers
At McElroy Metal, we’ve gone to great lengths to select the best paint systems and substrates for our extensive product offering. In addition to these items, we also realize that proper installation techniques are critical to the long-term performance of our products. Consequently, we are proud to offer installer training programs that enable installers to receive a “Certified” rating. We also offer a “Qualified” rating to provide architects and owners with even greater peace of mind. Below you will find an overview of these programs.
Initial Certification Process:
- Contractor completes our Standing Seam Certification Class and passes a test at course completion.
- Certification is valid for four years.
Recertification Process:
- Contractor completes one of the below options during the four year certification period:
- 200 squares of inspected work
- 400 squares of non-inspected work
- Jobs are completed with no significant issues or design changes.
- The originally certified employee must be currently employed and employed continuously during the four-year certification period.
- The contractor must take the certification class and pass the test again when items 1-3 above do not occur.
- Maintains current Certification criteria as indicated on the left.
- Has completed all items in the Qualification Checklist
- While not common, revocation of qualification can occur due to repeated installation not following approved installation details.
- McElroy Metal only requires “Certified” & “Qualified” installers for our “Joint No Repair Limit and all Single Source Warranties.”
- When “Certified & Qualified” installers are required, the employee that completed our standing seam training class must be on-site for the project duration .
- Project specifications may require McElroy Metal to provide written documentation that a specific contractor is licensed or approved to install our products. McElroy can only provide that documentation if the contractors’ personnel have attended and passed the McElroy Standing Seam Certification Class.
- Project specifications always prevail if they are more stringent than our requirements.
To learn more about this process and the benefits for completion, contact your local sales rep or Contact Us.
FAQ Warranty Types
While that’s a frequent question we receive, it’s never an easy one to answer. It really boils down to budget, risk tolerance, and confidence in the installer. Joint warranties are excellent at offering more affordable protection with relatively low risk when reputable long-established contractors complete the installation. While Single Source warranties can be cost-prohibitive for many owners, they provide additional peace of mind to building owners since the panel manufacturer has direct and sole accountability for the weathertightness of the structure.
Yes, in some cases. Suppose the architect or building owner has an existing relationship with the installer and has a high degree of confidence in their ability to install the roofing system properly. In that case, a Joint Warranty may be appropriate and offer considerable cost savings.
We have designed our weathertightness warranty offering to align with demand from architects, building owners and to match the offering of our competitors.
The process depends on the warranty type and time frame.
- Joint Warranties: If the installation meets the 24 month consecutive leak-free period, there would be no impact on the weathertightness warranty. Conversely, the weathertightness warranty is null and void if there are leaks in the installation before the 24 month window is met and the contractor went out of business before hitting the 24 month benchmark.
- Single Source Warranties: Because the responsibility for this warranty rests solely with the manufacturer, the warranty would be unaffected if the installer went out of business
Yes, Single Source Warranties require the following:
- Installers sign a Single Source Agreement.
- McElroy Metal requires both “Certified” & “Qualified” ratings.
FAQ Warranty Process
Submit your roofing specifications and architectural drawings to After review, we will send you a project-specific pre-approval form that will note the warranty cost, conditions, number of anticipated inspections, special requirements, and exclusions (if applicable). Simply sign and return the pre-approval form to us and include a copy of your shop drawings (unless we are producing them). Then let us know when you’re ready for inspections, return the signed inspection report, pay all invoices and warranty paperwork. NOTE: It is essential that we have reviewed and accepted the shop drawings before installation begins.
Yes as long as the project doesn’t have a wind rider. Projects with a wind rider require that McElroy Metal complete the shop drawings and engineering.
For projects without a wind rider, contractor or third party produced shop drawings are allowed but require review and approval by McElroy Metal. There is no cost for the review service but it’s important to allow time for the review in your project schedule.
Contact our warranty department a minimum of 3 weeks before the desired inspection. We will make all travel arrangements and notify the contractor of the date/time for the inspection. It is the contractor’s responsibility to provide safe roof access to our inspector. The contractor can expect a customized inspection report within 5-7 days. The report will contain photos and punch list items for repair. It is the contractor’s responsibility to review the report, make any necessary modifications, and then sign and return the report to McElroy Metal. McElroy Metal will not issue the final weathertightness warranty until the contractor returns the signed inspection report to McElroy Metal.
Once the installer signs and returns the Inspection Report certifying the completion of any necessary repairs and we verify that all material invoices have been paid in full, then we email a warranty information form, a copy of the warranty, and an invoice for the warranty to our customer. It is then our customer’s responsibility to complete the requested documentation and return it to us. Upon return and confirmation that all inspection and warranty invoices are paid, the warranty is issued. All weathertightness warranties are issued via electronic format to help expedite the project closeout process.
- Joint Warranties: Require signatures of the installer, building owner, and McElroy Metal.
- Single Source Warranties: Require signatures of the building owner and McElroy Metal.
The process depends on the warranty type and time of leak occurrence:
- Joint Warranties:
If the 24-month consecutive period has not passed, the installing contractor should be contacted. At this point in the warranty, it is the contractor’s responsibility to investigate and make any necessary repairs.
Once the 24-month consecutive period occurs, McElroy Metal should be contacted. McElroy Metal will then send personnel to the jobsite to determine the issue, make repair recommendations, solicit bids and oversee completion of the repair. - Single Source Warranties:
The owner should contact McElroy Metal as soon as possible. McElroy Metal will then send personnel to the jobsite to determine the issue, make repair recommendations, solicit bids and oversee completion of the repair.
FAQ Warranty Related Costs
Submit roofing specifications and architectural drawings to
Inspection fees are billed at the time of inspection and deducted from the total warranty cost if included in the warranty price. Upon project completion and final inspection (if appropriate), any outstanding warranty fee will be invoiced.
Drawing fees vary based upon job size and complexity. To receive an estimate, send project specifications and architectural drawings to
No, penetrations are not included in our weathertightness warranties, regardless of their inclusion in the project plans. If desired, the optional penetration rider is available.
FAQ Warranty Requirements
McElroy Metal requires a minimum of .063 (preferred .080) all-welded aluminum or 18 Ga. welded stainless steel material for all curbs, crickets, and diverters for the inclusion of penetrations.
Please visit this link to see a complete list of approved underlayments
Normally, high temp peel and stick underlayments are only required in certain areas or conditions, For example, when installing panels over a solid deck and using architectural details, high temp peel and stick underlayments are necessary for the first three feet from the eave and three feet on each side of the valley.
For the rare occasion where high temp peel and stick underlayment is required over the entire roofing surface, that requirement will be noted on the warranty pre-approval form.
Yes. All pipe penetrations must be centered in the pan of the panel and must be an EPDM long-life material.
Cinch straps at end laps are required on slopes less than 1:12. For projects with slopes greater than 1:12 and prior approval, it is possible to eliminate cinch straps.
Yes, all exposed fasteners must be either zinc-aluminum capped fasteners or stainless steel.
Yes. However, projects installed over open framing require sealed eaves and valleys instead of architectural details.