Post Frame

Popular Post Frame Colors

The Freedom to Be Creative

One of the advantages of metal roofing and siding is the wide array of colors that are available. You can use one color, combinations of similar colors, or even contrasting colors.

Do you want the building to blend in with its surroundings? Or do you want to make a bold statement that gets attention? There's no wrong answer, so let your creative juices flow!

Blend In or Stand Out?

Blend In or Stand Out?

A post frame building out in the country may call for a different color scheme than a post frame building meant for business in town. You may prefer that your building complement the natural environment or  nearby structures, or you may want to make it "pop" against the landscape to get attention.

Solid Color or Split Color?

Solid Color or Split Color?

Metal panels on a solid wall run from the building base all the way up to the roofline (top photo), whereas a wainscot wall is divided into two sections, providing an opportunity for accenting color combinations bottom photo). Whichever you choose, both offer wonderful aesthetic appeal.

Make a Match or Create an Accent?

Make a Match or Create an Accent?

You may want your trim and flashing to match the roof and siding (top photo) or accent them (bottom photo)? As you can see, this decision can change the entire look of your structure!

Still Not Sure?

Still Not Sure?

We have a couple of tools to help with the color selection process. Explore our post frame photo gallery to find color combinations that fit your style. You can also use our Visualizer to review different color combinations on varios styles of buildings. 

One thing is certain: If color selection is a key factor in your decision, make sure to use PVDF/Kynar 500 coatings so the color you select stands up over time. 

Design Your Own Post Frame Building - Choose from pre-built templates and customize to your needs.

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We are the leading metal wall and roofing supplier to the post frame industry. To find quality products that meet your architectural and budgetary needs, contact a McElroy Metal distributor or contractor in your area today.

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