Metal Panel Substrates and Coatings

Selecting a Quality Substrate and Coating Combination

When choosing a metal roof you have choices that affect both the panel aesthetics and performance. In fact, the choices you make for both your substrate and coating will ultimately determine the performance and the longevity of your metal roofing and siding. 

Consequently, we encourage you to invest a few minutes to learn more about the available options so you can decide what's best for you.

Watch the video on the right for more information.

Substrates and Coatings


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Metal Roof and Siding Substrates

The most popular steel substrates in the metal roofing and siding industry are Galvanized and Galvalume. Galvanized substrates are coated with a zinc alloy, while Galvalume substrates are coated with an alloy of zinc plus aluminum. Both Galvalume and Galvanized are good substrates for metal panels.

Learn More About Substrates


Metal Roof and Siding Coatings

The coating, or paint system for metal panels is just as important as the substrate. For the life of the panel, the surface, or coating, will be continuously exposed to environmental elements.

Over time, these environmental conditions, especially the sun, can degrade the coating resulting in panel fade and chalk. Therefore, choosing the right coating that can combat Mother Nature's elements is critical to a long lifespan for your metal roofing and siding.

Learn More About Coatings

Benefits of High Performing Substrates and Coatings

As indicated above, high-performing substrates and coatings are important when long-term performance and aesthetics are important.

If you would like to speak with a roofing and siding specialist about your particular project please complete the form on the right and we will get back to you soon!

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