
Metal Wall Panels for Your Home

Metal wall panels continue to gain market share for residential applications. Homeowners and architects appreciate the design capabilities and color options available. Plus, when coated with PVDF/Kynar 500® coatings, homeowners gain a low-maintenance and durable wall system that provides a decades-long service life.


Long Service Life


Quick Install


Adds Curb Appeal




Weather Resistence

Metal Wall Panel Options

Metal Wall panels are available in both exposed and concealed fastened options.

Of the two styles, exposed-fastened panels represent the more economical option and attach to the structure with visible screws that pierce the panel during installation.

In contrast, concealed fastened panels are installed with clips and/or fasteners that are placed under the panel surface and hidden from view.

Metal Wall Panel Options

Metal Wall panels are available in both exposed and concealed fastened options.

Of the two styles, exposed-fastened panels represent the more economical option and attach to the structure with visible screws that pierce the panel during installation.

In contrast, concealed fastened panels are installed with clips and/or fasteners that are placed under the panel surface and hidden from view.

The symmetrical design of McElroy’s Mini-Rib exposed fastener panel makes it an appealing profile for residential walls.

Our Mini-Rib panel is also popular with architects and designers as statement elements for their residential projects.

The symmetrical design of McElroy’s Mini-Rib exposed fastener panel makes it an appealing profile for residential walls.

Our Mini-Rib panel is also popular with architects and designers as statement elements for their residential projects.


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Whether you’re building a new home or planning renovations, a metal roof can deliver long-term cost savings and comfort for your family. To explore your options and find the product that meets your aesthetic and budgetary needs, contact a McElroy Metal distributor or contractor in your area today. We can’t wait to help make your dream home a reality.

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Your Coating Choice Matters!

You'll find two popular paint systems for metal roof and wall panels: Kynar 500® and Silicone Modified Polyester. The price point between the two on a residential project can be minimal, especially when considering the improved performance of the Kynar 500 system against fade and chalk. 

Let’s look at some real-life examples to showcase the difference. Both PVDF (Kynar 500) and Silicone-Modified Polyester (SMP) panels were installed on a home in Louisiana. On day one, the colors were an identical shade of green.

The accompanying photo, taken only eight years later, tells a powerful story of the differences between the paint systems as it highlights both the chalk and fade of the SMP paint system. Note that there is no visible fade or chalking on the darker (PVDF) panels.


Wonder What Your Project Would Look Like With a Metal Roof or Wall Panel?

McElroy Metal's Color Visualizer Makes it Happen!

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Substrates Matter Too!

Underneath the paint/coating, the substrate of the actual metal is the heart of a metal roof panel.

You'll find two common substrates for metal panels:  Galvanized and Galvalume®. Galvanized substrates feature a zinc coating applied to the raw steel, while Galvalume substrates feature an alloy of zinc plus aluminum.

Galvalume substrates offer homeowners the highest quality long-term solution.

Our recommendation is based on decades of research and actual field performance. Galvalume delivers better results, excellent corrosion resistance, and long-term aesthetics. Galvalume substrates also carry a warranty from steel mills against rupture or perforation due to corrosion. Similar steel mill warranties for Galvanized substrates simply don’t exist. Want to know more about substrates? Contact Us, we're happy to help!


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Residential Metal Roofing Guide

All across the country, homeowners are ditching their shingle roofs and upgrading to metal! While residential metal roofing isn’t new, it is gaining in popularity because more homeowners are recognizing the many environmental and energy-related benefits that metal roofing has to offer.

This eBook was developed to help guide homeowners who have an interest in metal roofing but are seeking a little more knowledge and understanding before finalizing their decision. If that’s your situation, this information is for you.

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